Saturday, April 3, 2010

a sad week..

hmm.. how to start..

tapi yg pasti, i've been dumped.. its hurt a lot..

apa2 pun.. its all over.. i dont hv to cry anymore.. when i seeking for a peace in my heart, i will pray to Him.. i will cry a lot when i talk to Him, but then, i'm ok.. i can smile..

one of friends giv me advice dat i dont hv to cry for what happen.. according to him, i'm just like a loser if i keep begging him to come back.. then someone giv me an idea to make a list 10 reason why i shud forget about him...

ladies n gentlemen.. read diz..

1. too social (arak arak arak... clubbing clubing clubing.. )

2. terlalu mesra dgn girls..(not kazen) sampai boleh ada body contact.

3. NOT matured (dia sendiri yg cakap.. i nvr say dat)

4. DOESN'T have a secure job (he said it)

5. Sometime.. rude.. (even with his own family)

6. bukan nak mengungkit tapi i did perasan. (aku jak yang excited n selalu bagi present)

7. sukar putar belit cerita (hmm.. if i ask something yg sensitive, dia akan terdiam.. ada something wrong lah tu.. kemudian br dia explain, which is semua nya rekaan cerita)

8. he never introduced me to his parent or family.. (until me myself do it by texting a msg to his mum)

9. like to make promises.. (but he nvr fullfill it..)

10. cannot commit..

actually.. byk lagi.. tapi ini sudah cukup utk aku knp aku perlu lupakannya saja..


  1. bell..nak no 8 yang paling utama actually..once nya sik introduce ko ngan family mksdnya nya lom ready to commit and ur not the one..aku rasa lelaki gya lah..bila nya dah ready or kita adalah pilihan nya..kompom family nya akan tauk semua..-Oza- *WINK*

  2. Bel, if he's treating his family like 'trash', that is the kind of guy you would not want to spend your life with. So kudos on being wise and strong!!! *two thumbs up girl*

  3. yalakan.. aku sdr ba ya.. cuma aku fkr blm masanya gik.. hmm..

  4. it is ok
    one day god just gonna send you one
    your prince charming might not be perfect
    or might not be like some one you've been dream for
    but he'll be there for you
    love you more than you love him
    and will never let you go
    no matter how many time u guys quarrel and you ask for break up
    he just gonna be there for you
    when the time come
    till then live your live to fullest
    and this as a memory that will never fade
    but enough to teach us a lesson
    which is better he love us more than we love him
    because he will give more to get our love

  5. caya la bel
    aku penah kena cam ko juak
    cuma sikda la sampei maok kawen coz still young
    consider 1st love juak la
    lebey krg ngan cita ko ya
    last2 nek tok
    aku dpt some one better

  6. there's one proverb said "You have to kiss thousand of frog before you find your prince charming" fikir2 kan lah bel... cheers!

  7. Bel, you much zillions than how he has treated you. Don't worry gal. Improve your life and show him that you are much better without him. Your real other half will come soon. Pray for the best ya. Good luck :)

  8. terkesima aku baca komen si AJ....
