I have many type of friends.. macam2 perangai.. kadang2 ada kwn yang jangan dirapati sangat. I’m afraid I will hurt her feeling since she is very2 sensitive person, which I mean she would thinking whatever people were not.. for example, if someone doesn't smile at her, she might think she/he doesn't like him, or she look weird to dat person.. aiya.. susahla mcm nie.. me myself hv to be very carefull if I’m beside her.. the way I talk also hv to control.. there’s one time she doesn’t talk to me, n at dat time i trying to “korek” my memory so hard dat I could remember what thing dat I hv done wrong.. so, for the conclusion, juz ignore her. She cannot be a good friend of mine.. but still she can be my frens.. anyway, not all people are the same.. think rational..
Kwn biasa2? Sangat banyak.. one things dat I owez regret is I do forget my friends name… my old schoolmate, roommate n classmate too.. saya ni jahat kah? Sorry.. really tak sengaja.. its like I’m having an eraser in my head…. Adeh heh.. really sorry k..
My best friend??!!! Yes!!!! I do have. Florina, Zian, Emmy, Nanie, Anie & caca… but now, thing r not the same again.. everyone has their own responsible n bz with their new life.. no more chit chatting, pillow talk, lepaking.. but there still who stay behind.. those who still single like me (not married), hehehehe… florina!!!!! Mmmuuuuaaahhh!!! Love u.. hehehe..
Reunion? I do like it so much… we can meet old classmate.. schoolmate..talking2.. laughing together… even with people who had a crush with me.. anyway, its all a long story.. so, not hurt feeling.. hehehe.. (dats pict was taken when we hvg reunion -ex smt sejingkat)
There’s one good thing about me is dat I’m a flexible person.. I can join or adapt into different world. Dats why I got a lot of friend.. I hv a nerd fren, a sensitive fren, annoying frens, a good frens, a wild fren n so on.. dat becoz I can change myself into their world.. dats not mean I hv many personalities.. its juz me, can adapt to their world..
if there’s someone doesn’t like us juz let it be.. but don’t hate him/her.. we can’t make everyone like u right??? Hehehehe…
Kwn biasa2? Sangat banyak.. one things dat I owez regret is I do forget my friends name… my old schoolmate, roommate n classmate too.. saya ni jahat kah? Sorry.. really tak sengaja.. its like I’m having an eraser in my head…. Adeh heh.. really sorry k..
My best friend??!!! Yes!!!! I do have. Florina, Zian, Emmy, Nanie, Anie & caca… but now, thing r not the same again.. everyone has their own responsible n bz with their new life.. no more chit chatting, pillow talk, lepaking.. but there still who stay behind.. those who still single like me (not married), hehehehe… florina!!!!! Mmmuuuuaaahhh!!! Love u.. hehehe..
Reunion? I do like it so much… we can meet old classmate.. schoolmate..talking2.. laughing together… even with people who had a crush with me.. anyway, its all a long story.. so, not hurt feeling.. hehehe.. (dats pict was taken when we hvg reunion -ex smt sejingkat)
There’s one good thing about me is dat I’m a flexible person.. I can join or adapt into different world. Dats why I got a lot of friend.. I hv a nerd fren, a sensitive fren, annoying frens, a good frens, a wild fren n so on.. dat becoz I can change myself into their world.. dats not mean I hv many personalities.. its juz me, can adapt to their world..
if there’s someone doesn’t like us juz let it be.. but don’t hate him/her.. we can’t make everyone like u right??? Hehehehe…
haha..panjang nya karangan ko bel.hahaha..banyak kawan kan bagus...
ReplyDeletewah bell!!..ko tauk sik ku tgh sedih n..cry a bit ngenang benda bukan2 bout my own r'ship...tgh2 nangis ya..terbaca ur blog,particularly..psl ur bestfriend yg msh single..muahaha!..sad yet funny.see..in times when i'm like dis..u manage to pull out a smile out of the blue when i'm like dis..
ReplyDeletedorn: hehehe.. kalau ikutkan, pjg gik tau x..
ReplyDeletena: na, i'm owez by ur side.. mmmuuuuaahh!!
Whoa sun...I happened to read ur blog. Ei...sy pun msh single. But u r right about one thing, everyone now has their own responsibility. Jarang2 nk chatting, apatah lg nk jumpa.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to read another post from you SUN!!!
Caca *peace*
caca: hai!!! hehehe.. i noe u like to read others post.. but i nvr thought u r going to open my blog.. hehehe.. anyway, fren..keep in touch.. i miss the old u.
ReplyDeletehye bel
ReplyDeletewelcome to the world of blogging!!
and bunch of thanks for the uploaded pix
yeah we're the main actress
will catch with u later before u back to swk for good
love u oways
jue: it must!!! hehehe.. love u too.. mmuuaahh!!
ReplyDeleteowh bel.. what a nice things u say.. and thanks sbb anggap aku tok ur best friend.. me too dear.. have a lot of new friends..lifes bring us to different situation and meeting new people everyday.. but nothing like ur old friends.. ur bestfried that know u in and out.. still be with u no matter what ur weeknesses are.. with the 7 sun, i experienced a special bond of relationship.. stay forever.. for me.. we will always b bestfriend forever.. no matter how bz we r wif our own life, we turn to each other when we need girl talk.. remember that k, sun.. Hail to The 7 Sun..
ReplyDeletezian: yoohhh!!! hehehe.. buka jg ko blog aku ye.. hehehe.. u were owez my bestfriend!! mmuuaahh!!