hehehe.... i love to see other people photos.. even if they not my friend, i will trying my luck to open theirs album. hehehe.. if they didn't setting it for privacy, then people like me can scroll down and see all their photos.. yeahhh!!! dats me..
then one day, i found this photos.. a photo dat hv been upload by my friend's friend... dahhhh!! i recognize some of the people n there was us (THE SEVEN's SUN-sebut soon ahh) at the top of the photo. yahhhhh!! ssooooo, kebetulan.. the owner of diz photo comment something dat tickle my heart. he write "some of the girl back there trying to get into the photo".. is it? aiiii.. dats was me, tgh dating wif my ex.. (i think dat was my 1st date - yuhuuu... its long time ago) n my bodyguard (my best frens) sitting behind us pretending to be my guard. hahaha!! no la.. kebetulan we lepaking there (ada football match dat day) n i saw him, so he sat together la wif us. n i taking diz chance for dating him la.. hehehehe..
hmmm.. when i look at this photos, its look like they r bending to the right.. mcm mau masuk gambar jak.. n me, looking back to them, maybe talking or what so ever.. hehehe.. so, my friends, try to remember, what r u doing? is it trying to "kaco-kaco" us or memang mau masuk dlm gambar.

p/s the owner of this photo was Orbeno. oredi add to my fren list n adalah aku text dia pasal benda nie. i've told him dat u all tgh kaco me... i'm wearing blue t-shirt..
owh..ada ku ternangga gambar tok sumwer tp xla perasan geng2 kita kt atas ya..
ReplyDeleteaku x perasan mun owner photo to x sebut pasal girls kat belakang ya.. hehehe..