Monday, September 6, 2010


yeay...3 minggu di bintulu, akhirnya aku bercuti di kpg sendiri..home sweet home.. terasa boring pula di sana.. bukan apa.gaji blm masuk, xda transport sendiri, genset di sekolah pun bukan dpasang 24 jam.. semuanya terhad.. dhla broadband pun tertinggal d kpg..

cuti bermula nie, nak buat apa oooo... aku harus memanfaatkan cuti yg ada... tgk tv puas2.. hahahaha...

entah berapa lama aku akan bekerja d bintulu ya...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Luahan hati dikala sepi..

Hmmm… sejak akhir2 nie, aku byk bermain dgn perasaan.. berangan-angan.. hahahah! Semuanya pasal KAHWIN.. bukan apa, duduk rumah x byk kerja yg dibuat. Selain kemas rumah, memasak kadang2, lipat baju.. and the rest FB, tonton TV, baca buku n Tidur.. ketika rehat2 itula minda akan memainkan peranan dengan membabitkan perasaan dan jiwa.. tgk FB, majority my fren sudah punya pasangan masing2.. either in relationship or married.. gambar2 mereka penuh dgn kebahagiaan.. yang bakal ada baby n yg sudah ada baby menambahkan lagi kegembiaraan dlm keluarga yg mereka cipta.. pada saat inilah dengan tak sengajanya aku mencemburui kebahagiaan yg mereka kecapi.. mulalah aku berangan-angan untuk berkahwin.. ya! Kahwin terus.. xmo couple2 lagi.. itu semua cerita bohong.. janji2 manis yang dinyatakan hanya sekadar untuk menyedapkan hati.. tetapi dimana kesudahan nya? Kebaikan kahwin terus, kita tak perlu malu2 dgn masyarakat. He’s already my husband. Mau dating or manja2 org tak pandang serong.. family masing2 pun dh kenal dan paling ketara, takda lagi sembunyi2 dari pengetahuan keluarga masing2x. titik!

Aku x boleh duduk diam2.. sudahlah hati ini sunyi, bila termenung, mulala fikir benda2 yang mcm nie.. hahahaha!! Bukan apa, nak jln2 pun x dpt.. terus terang aku katakan, aku jenis org yg suka travel.. jalan2.. having fun.. karaoke.. lepak wif frens.. masalahnya, I hv no money.. no car.. jadi, semuanya stuck disini.. mulala berfikir perkara kawen-kawen nie sebab hati terasa sgtlah sunyi.. TOLONG!!!!
Aku dah tak sabar mau start kerja.. Early ogos is coming!!! Aku mau bz dgn kerja n during holiday, bleh jalan2x!!! yeay!!!! Masa itu, pasal kawen pun aku xkan ingat…

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

kahwin VS andartu..

hmmm..mcm mana nak mula nie..

perkahwinan adalah sesuatu yang sgt penting dan tak boleh dipandang ringan... bagi ku,
perkahwinan terjadi apabila dua insan fall in love n they dare to commit... tambahan yang
lain adalah kena mempunyai ekonomi yang kukuh br dapat mendirikan rumahtangga.. just a
simple family enough for me...

dilahirkan dan dibesarkan dalam keluarga aku nie, banyak perkara yang perlu dilihat sebelum
sesuatu hubungan dan perkahwinan itu terjadi... agama, bangsa, taraf pendidikan, dan lelaki
itu sendiri macam mana..

this afternoon conversation;

"mummy, what if i married to someone which is different religion with us... err.. i mean
still christian but not RC.."

ans~> "ask him to convert"

"then how about after i getting married and i choose to follow him.. masa tua kami nanti,
kami bina rumah kat kpg my husband?"

ans~> "tak boleh ke awak suruh dia ikut awak je?"

"what if my husband kerja biasa jak? i mean, polis ka, askar, apa2 kerja yang taraf
pendidikan nya rendah dr aku."

ans~>"xda pilihan lain kah? Dah awak tu degree, carila yg sama degree or lebih dr itu"

hurm.. nampak gayanya, tak kahwin lah aku.. kalau boleh, my mummy mau my bakal husband ikut kata isteri.. mana boleh mcm tu.. tak adillah bagi dia.. huhuhu.. memang susah..
mummy.. mcm mana br boleh aku cari orang yang menepati citarasa mummy tu.. it's hard.. kalau ada pun jumpa tapi i don't hv feeling at all with that person mcm manalah.. huhuhu..
memang perkara biasa bg aku kalau mummy aku mula banding2kan pasangan yg dh berkahwin
terutamanya my own friends.. i got my fren, my best fren yg sudah berkahwin & my mummy tak pernah jemu2 memuji perkahwinan mereka. cikgu sama cikgu.. ikut isteri..
& yang terbaru, my bestfren too.. bakal akan kawin tahun depan.. my mummy adore their

dlm hati ku mau sahaja menjerit tapi ku diamkan sahaja..

"mummy, mcm mana mau kahwin or pilih seseorang tu kalau kita tak ada perasaan langsung.. perkahwinan bukan perkara main2.."


This morning i read a yesterday newspaper and i turn to page A10. it's about asian celebrities. Yeah, i love asian celebrities. Especially the cute & macho handsome guy... hehehehe..

i attracted to this big & bolded title;

"Actor Park Yong Ha laid to rest"
What happen!!!?? How come that young handsome guy died??

"Park hung himselef at his home on june 30 and the police concluded that the top Hallyu star, distressed over his career and his father's illness, committed suicide on an impulse"


Yai! why why & why??? Then i started to think & recall back whenever i became distressed.. hurmmm.. i do.. think about committed suicide.. what a shame.. I'm glad that i'm fear enough to take my own life. I can imagine it's hurt a lot if i jump from the high building and crash to the floor... or cut/slice my own arm & let the blood flow out until i died.. uuuhhhh.. it's damn hurt! Then the 2nd thing is (the most important) what shall i answer if its time for me facing the God??? There's no excuses & hell is the right place for me.. No! i don't want! 3rd, my family.. i love them..

so, whenever u feel distressed, find a way to deal it.. think rational! Enjoy your life & be happy..

Monday, June 21, 2010

masa berlalu..

tik tok tik tok..

akhirnya, hari2 aku berada di KL nie akan berakhir... June yg lalu, merupakan kali pertama aku menjejakkan kaki di KL & pada 22hb nanti, aku akan kembali ke sarawak for permanent.. yeah, i'm gonna miss KL.. dan aku telah membuat rancangan akan datang ke KL apabila aku punya duit dan mau enjoy & shopping!!! oh yeahhhhhhhh...

sblm bertolak ke rumah kawan ku Juelina (i'm staying at her house sementara menunggu 22hb), dengan malasnya aku pergi packing segala harta benda yg perlu dbawa pulang... uuhhhh.. inilah part aku rasa mcm berat je tulang..

mlm 18hb nie.. Ely candid...

19hb june 2010
exam KISSM dah lepas, sampai bilik terus pengsan... pengsan sbb agak kecewa krn tak dpt menjawab dengan jayanya dan juga mengantuk yg amat sangat... sekejap je aku tido pun.. i hv to move to Juelina house today.. packing blm habis!!! apa nie..

sepanjang di rumah Jue, makan n minum je kerja... main WII game la paling best.. i'm having so much fun.. gelak2 smpai tergolek2 kat lantai la pulak.. entahla.. biarpun baru 1st time jumpa parents n adik Jue, tapi aku leh buat biasa.. gelak kuat pun x malu.. hehehe... Masakan mummy jue memang sedap.. I LIKE!!! ingat kata2 jue dulu bila aku plan nak pergi rumah dier.

"nanti ko stay kat rumah aku wajib belajar masak ngan mummy aku!"

kompem dier lupa tu.. hahahaha!

walaupun begitu, petang 20hb, giliran jue masak petang.. n menu simple je.. mee.. but she ask me to cook!!!! hahaha.. (actually sama2 je..) nasib baik pandai juga aku pegang sudip tu...

sedap tau...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pengaruh rakan dlm FaceBook..

Hehehe… tiba2 sahaja saya terfikir tentang kelainan saya bagi respon di setiap status my fren in the facebook.. dulu xde la saya mcm tu.. ayat2 skema je pengaruh rakan2 dlm FB lah nie.. ok, di sini akan saya senaraikan perkataan br yang sering saya guna dlm FB akibat dr selalu layan FB:

Woot woot!



Yahhh! Itu dia..








Actually ada byk lagi.. tapi ini saje yang saya ingat.. hehehe..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's all about wedding...

hehehe.. ketika aku tgh tension mcm mana mau mengurangkan dan menambahkan esei assignment yang hendak dihantar 17jun ni nanti, sempat pula aku menjawab beberapa soalan yang berkenaan wedding!!! haiyahhhh.. hehehe.. suka2 je..

so, ladies n gentlemen.. ini dia!!!

1. How old are you?
- 24.. almost 25.. (one month to go)

2. Are you single?
- yes, i am!

3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
- hurmm.. maybe 28? 29 or 30?? or maybe after my bank account is fat enough to cater for a big fat bidayuh wedding

4. Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
- who??? i don't even hv one!!

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
- Michael Buble.. wat do u think?? he's got a cute face.. i like the way he smile!!

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
- hmm.. my sister wajib la.. lain2.. tgkla..

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
- Garden wedding!! u la la..

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
- Venice!! is it too expensive? hmm.. Puncak borneo pun jadilah..

9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
- Hurmmm.. how many ah?? jemput lah semua yang aku kenal..

10. Will that include your exes?
- huh? 1st bf, dunno where he is.. 2nd? is he willing to come? later ask my future husband lah.

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- 5 layers, simple design but fuyyoohhh.. ~> dats response must come out from every guest.,
pink, blue, pink, blue, pink.. hehehe..

12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
- from morning till evening... sampai esok pagi pun boleh...

13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
- 1st, of course la romantic song.. for the opening ceremony..

14. Ur wedding colour theme?
- Pure White, Blood Red Roses

15. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon&fork?knife?
- Buffet jak

16. Champagne or red wine?
- Depends on para dermawan mok bawak apa. But preferably cocktails design esp for the wedding.

17. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
- 1 week after

18. Money or household items?

19. how many kids would you like to have?
- erk.. "can i hv only 2 honey?" hehehe..

20. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
- yes! i would whip out my videocam at any time i sense something funny is going to happen to my husband. dats from my hand. hehehe... & there must be cameraman aka videoman on my wedding!

21. ur dream present fr0m ur future husband?
- hmmmm... what all i want is love.. present? just accept anything he will gave me.

Baru jak fikir nak berjimat.. saving money.

hmmm.. dh plan mau berjimat sbb awal bulan nie tadi merupakan elaun terakhir yg kami dapat.. then bila dh posting, for 3 months xda gaji.. so, aku dh plan mau berjimat..

n tiba2 je mlm td my sister message by via daddy's no.

lama aku berfikit, ntah mcm mana rupa beg tu.. akhirnya dapat juga bayangan mcm mana rupa beg tu.. adeh heh.. kalau tak beli merajuk lah pulak dia nanti.. nantilah aku try cari.. harap2 beg yg aku jumpa nanti xkan membuatkan budget aku lari..

huhuhu.. semakin rancaklah aku bw lagu money money money nih......

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

rehat rehat rehat!

inilah Dewan comel kami.. Dewan Pak Sako..

start from 1pm tadi kami mula rehat sehingga pukul 230pm nanti.. i'm not going back to hostel.. memang begini rutin ku sehari-hari ketika menjalani KISSM nih.. malas sgt nak naik turun tangga.. 100 anak tangga tau.. nak kata makin kurus, tak juga.. maintain adala pula.. hehehe..

tadi tengah cuba menyiapkan assignment tetapi still juga belum siap sepenuhnya.. petang antila aku pergi edit lagi. mau facebooking dulu..

hmm.. setiap kali dgr pensyarah bercakap, aku seolah-olah didodoikan dgn suara2 mereka yang mendayu-dayu.. selalu je mengantuk.. tahap cipan lagi tu.. aku memang kuat tido! hehehe.. even berdiri pun aku boleh tidur.. hehehe..

oklah.. ada 40 minit lagi.. nak tgk FB dulu.. chow.

Take a break, take a kit kat..

hehehe.. penat2 duduk bersila menaip assignmet ditepi katil, now , take a break buat seketika.. yah. i don't hv a kit kat.. snickers adala.. hehehe..

Tonggak 12? hmm.. begitu payah mengolah ayat untuk menjawab soalan esei yang berkaitan dengan Tonggak 12.. br 300 pth perkataan..

semasa mencari idea untuk menyambung esei, sempat aku membuka laman anna-rina photography, a local photographer yang aku kagumi.. semua wedding n portrait photo yang beliau ambik sangat mengujakan aku yang masih seperti baby yang br merangkak dalam dunia fotografi.. entah bila lagi aku boleh mencapai tahap skill seperti dia. i'm not going to be a full photographer.. aku dah ada kerjaya sendiri dan dunia fotografi ini sebagai sesuatu perkara yang amat ku minati dan mampu kulakukan.. i'm glad having friends dat i think they a really good in taking photo.. yeah! there r my sifu!

hmm.. dah cukup masa aku untuk berehat. smbg buat kerja lok.. hehehe..

p/s photo yg atas sekali tu (keindahan alam di waktu petang) was taking by me n edited by casper.. my sifu..

Monday, June 14, 2010

assignment oh assignment..

walaupun study KPLI dah tamat, but still we hv another kursus iaitu KISSM. Lulus kursus ini penting untuk mempercepatkan pengesahan jawatan..

hmm.. seminggu dh berlalu dan baru sekarang aku membuka kertas soalan tugasan yang diberi.. aku memilih soalan yang berkaitan dengan Tonggak 12 dan Arahan perkhidmatan dan Arahan keselamatan.

point2 dah ada untuk menjawab soalan sudah ada dan sekarang tinggal untuk mengarang sehingga mencapai lebih 500 patah perkataan.. bila masanya itu? hehehe.. esoklah..lagipun tarikh hantar adalah pada 18 june. sekarang dah lewat malam. eh, dah masuk 2.31 pagi.. better for me to go to sleep..


Sunday, June 13, 2010

something missing..

Sepi hati terjadi lagi
Mungkin sampai mati aku sepi
Biar senyum hadir di hariku
namun ini hanya ada di bibir
di bibir saja
Aku ini yang bisa mengerti
walaupun yang lain mau mengerti
Namun berat beban hidup kubiarkan saja
Biar saja hanya ku yang tahu
Sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
Perlu kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri
ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Man with the name started with D in my life…

D? bila ku duduk termenung, tiba2 mengimbau kisah2 zaman kanak2 dulu sampailah sekarang..

Daddy.. lelaki pertama yang kukenali setelah dilahirkan didunai ini dan amat ku sayangi sehingga sekarang.. until now, mummy suka cerita yang dulu semasa aku masih kecil, sering menangis sekiranya my daddy pergi kemana2 without me.. b4 my daddy pergi kerja, a kiss mesti hinggap di pipiku sblm dia bertolak.. hehehe.. that’s me.. anyway, I cant remember all of it.. tapi aku masih boleh ingat aku suka duduk didepan motosikal (kaki dlm bakul) everytime pergi jalan2.

Danny Bob.. he's my brother.. i love him the same like i love other siblings. ketika dia br lahir, aku dalam darjah 2.. ketika umur nya masuk 2 tahun, akulah yg sering menjadi babysitter setiap kali my mum sibuk dgn kerja rumah. at dat time, aku sudah pandai buatkan nya susu, memandikannya, serta membasuh bontotnya selepas dia berak.. hahaha! teringat pula ketika tahinya terkeluar dr lampin dan jatuh ke lantai.. just imagine dia pergi pijak lagi.. adeh... memang kerja akulah yang pergi membersihkan lantai itu.. we almost lost him. dia pernah lemas di kolam ikan belakang rumah kami. masa itu umurnya br 3 thn kali. if mum mummy terlewat sedikit lagi, i think we hv lost him.. paru2 nya yg sebelah sudah penuh dgn air manakala sebelah lagi separuh.. muka pun dh pucat n penuh lumpur.. my mummy dpt detect dia jatuh dlm kolam after she saw his slippers terapung ats air.. bila my mummy terjun, dia berada di dasar.. mujur my mummy pandai buat CPR & bertindak cepat (nsb baik mummy pandai drive)..

Denvy.. hehehe… ini cerita zaman sekolah rendah.. masa itu aku masih dalam darjah 3 or 4 kali.. diz kid like me.. but I don’t like him.. I still remember he gave me ‘tapai’ (sejenis makanan tradisional) but I refuse to eat.. suatu hari, he gave me a love letter.. wanna know what I did? I gave the letter to the Headmaster, then he got cane because of it.. pity him.. sorry denvy.. Hehehe.. Now he became a English teacher.. Good Luck!

Dicky.. ini berlaku pada zaman sekolah menengah ketika aku masih ditingkatan 2.. he was our senior with a cute baby face.. at dat time, aku memang nakal.. aku suka panggil dia dr jauh (masa tu bersama kwn2. Klu seorang mana ku berani) dengan gelaran Abang Cute.. n at the same time aku suka kaitkan dia dgn my tall friend.. tapi last2 aku pula yg dapat surat dr dia.. hasrat ingin menjadikan aku adik angkat.. hahaha.. ia berlaku dgn pantas iaitu dr abg angkat jd terangkat pula. Hahaha ( dia menyatakan isi hatinya). Aku yg masih blm matang pada masa itu just accept saja di atas dorongan kwn.. jumpa face to face hnya sekali dan tak lama selepas itu (aku rasa dlm sebulan ke 2 bulan) I make my decision to break up.. hahaha.. iye ke? Aku rasa bercinta pun tak je.. ~~cinta monyet!
*now he married.. n I heard from fren, kerjanya adalah sebagai pembantu kesihatan..

Devis .. yg dia nie pula my secret admire.. hehehe.. masa itu aku di dalam tingkatan 2 atau 3 , i cant remember.. suka sgt tgk dia.. sampai ketika buat gotong royong, kalau ternampak dia, aku akan terhenti dan melihatnya sehingga dia hilang dr pandangan.. hehehe.. he never know about this.. even my friend.. because I nvr told them..
*until now I nvr know where he is..

Denis Jack.. he’s my 1st bf ketika aku menuntut di Matrikulasi Labuan.. hmm.. mcm mana aku boleh jatuh cinta dgn org sabah nih.. hehehe.. started on hmm bila owh.. 2003 I think n we break up on 2008.. selama 5 tahun itu kami bercinta jarak jauh.. aku study di sabah sementara dia study di pahang.. my parents halang our relationship kerana ngri dia berlainan.. unless dia sggp berpindah ke srwk.. hmm.. then setelah lama bertahan I made my decision to break up.. ~> I’m sorry Denis, I broke my promise..
*Denis, apa khabar ko sekarang?

David…. We met In FB.. dh lama kenal dlm Fb. Then after i break up with S, we became close & semakin lama, I like him.. hmm.. diz one complicated sikit la punya cerita… aku sendiri tak tahu mcm mn aku boleh suka dia.. jumpa br sekali .. sometime I don’t like my feeling.. suka hati jak suka2 org.. now, we keep became friend..
*u nvr told me to wait.. hmm..

Donny.. sma mcm kes yg di atas, we met in FB.. but till now we nvr met.. yeah, we r close. Byk cerita yg dkongsi.. but till now I’m not sure about my feeling.. ~~~
*i'm sorry..

~~~~~>> hmmm.. setakat ini, itu je lelaki2 yg namanya bermula dgn huruf D di dalam kehidupan aku.. maybe next time, cerita pasal yg hmpr sama mcm nie tapi bukan berdasarkan nama.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exam week..

Fuh.. 1 paper already done.. 2 more paper to go.. hmm, i can't finish answer the essay question.. the 2nd question wanted the application of the behaviorism theory.. haish!! i'm dead.. clueless.. i did read about the theory diz morning but i totally forgot how to apply it in teaching.. 10 mark ooo.. huhuhu..

there's a guy beside me really look clueless.. he tried to got the answer from his friend (behind him).. he even ask me, but me myself also blank! i only can give him a smile & say "goreng aje lah"..

i still not packing my things yet.. huhuee.. this coming thursday i'm going home.. yes!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yeay!!!! aku pulang.....

at last.... aku pulang!!! wlpn bukan utk gawai sepenuhnya tapi at least aku pulang jumpa family.. i miss them very much!!

mulanya aku dah putus asa mau pulang sebab tarikh dapat cuti sentiasa bertukar.. mau beli tiket pun susah.. tiket pun mahal..

kawan2x ku pula asyik je msg tak kira dlm FB or through my phone menjeleskan aku.. benci!!! jeles!! n my mummy asyik tanya "confirm ko x pulang?'' huhuhuhu.. sedih...

now, aku dh beli tiket!! confirm aku dpt pulang... yes!!! jaga kamu semua kwn2x.. habis korang nanti.. hehehe..

mummy!! i'm coming home at last.. miss u so much!

Study study study...

Tak lama lagi exam.. huhuhu.. 2 subjek sahaja tapi mcm sangat berat pulak.. banyak teori yang kena ingat & perlu faham konsep dan aplikasinya.. adeh heh.. Exam bermula pada 18 Mei until 21 Mei.. Wish me luck k.. 3 paper jer, tapi~~~woooaaahhh!!! otak aku semakin lemah utk mengingat.. tidak!!

FB dikurangkan.. beri laluan kepada study.. don't worry, i'll be back after dat..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kisah Birthday Girl

1 Mei yang lalu, aku join my friends celebrate sally's bday... so hendak dijadikan cerita, aku bertolak dr asrama pada pukul 5.30 ptg dimana masih terlalu awal tetapi memandangkan hujan dah mula turun aku terpaksa bergegas pergi .. memang bernasib baiklah ada taxi yang masuk ke kawasan kami menghantar penumpang..

aku meminta pakcik tersebut menghantar aku di Stesen Universiti (LRT) sbb kalau direct pakai taxi g KLCC, mahal eh.. so better save money & more safety.

tiba di KLCC pada pukul 6.00pm which is still early for me coz aku dh janji jumpa dengan jue pada pukul 7.00pm.. dia masih with her bf kat lowyat cari game ps2.. luckily i bring along my darling kenny.. peluang aku untuk ambil photo!.. a lot of children here kat depan fountion.. nie photo yg paling aku suke...

pukul 7.00pm, jue dh tiba.. so kami pergila ke tempat diaorang dah book utk dinner together.. Delicious ntah kat mna tmpt nya.. belakang KLCC la.. x jauh..

kami menunggu dengan penuh debaran.. Sally tak tau pun kami ada bersama untuk dinner.. hehehe.. malangnya, diaorang salah tempat.. sesat.. kami pulak yang menunggu dgn keboringan.. hahaha!! inilah gelagat kami bertiga menunggu bday girl & yati datang...
jue & sue tgh bincang pasal apa erk???

hahaha.. sangat selesa sehingga aku boleh baring2x menunggu Sally & Yaty..

aku dah rasa ngantuk nie...

entah pukul berapa, akhirnya bday girl pun dah datang.. hehehe.. hahaha!! mula2x dia datang dgn muka yang agak marah la juga sbb susah payah cari tempat nie.. but then, bila dia dapat tahu tentang kehadiran kami, hahaha.. terus berubah wajah.. hehehe.. hepi bday Sally!

kek b'day... sedapppppp...

b'day girl menyuap Jue... hehehe.. mcm kena paksa je muka jue tu.. hehehe..
here we are.. 5 of us...

hendak dijadikan cerita, semasa memilih menu makanan, akulah yang paling lambat.. mana tidak. 1st time pg tmpt camni... mahal... menu pun susah aku nak faham.. xda gambaran.. lucu betul.. bila makan, i try to finish my food.. yala.. dah mahal, sayang la mau bazir.. its all about money.. hehehe.. =D.. anyway, thumbs up for Jue's menu.. sedap.. chocolate shake aku pun sedappppp!!

habis makan, kami org buka cerita pasal penggunaan short form dlm FB.. apa itu LOL, ROFL.. mcm2 cerita kami kongsi.. so funny.. aku yang tgh full nie pun rasa mau muntah jak bila ketawa terlebih sangat..

kami habis melepak kat Delicious pada pukul 11.. time to go home..

ohya, sblm tu, thumbs up for interior design kat delicious nie.. cantik!!! aku suka konsep sarang burung nya...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mummy!! i'm coming home for gawai..

Pagi tadi ada perjumpaan kecil antara pihak HEP dan semua KPLI sem 2 n KDPM... Di dalam hati tertanya-tanya, entah apa yang akan diperkatakan nanti.. akhirnya, Tn Haji Omar bersuara..

"Kursus induksi tak ada.."


"dapat juga pulang bergawai" ~warga2 yg smbut gawai..

"ala, susah la mcm nie.. nanti lambat pula kita nak dpt status jawatan tetap. kenapa tak sekali settle je.. susah2x nak pergi kursus lepas kerja nanti" ~warga2 yg x smbt gawai

"Dengar dulu... walaupun tak ada Kursus Induksi, namun kamu kena balik ke sini selepas 6 june untuk temuduga SPP. Pada kertas terakhir kamu exam, kamu boleh balik bercuti tetapi pastikan kamu balik semula pada tarikh kamu interview."

"Laaaaaaa... leceh la pulak.."

apa2 pun, saya kena balik juga walaupun 1, 2 minggu je cuti yang aku ada.. i wanna spend my holiday with my family.

Last Exam adalah pada 25 Mei.. so after dat bleh pulang dh.. tapi rasanya kena confirm dengan kwn2.. mana tau ada plan mau pergi mana2 ka.. before pulang to sarawak for permanent... kih kih kih..

p/s tapi aku dengar ada pula desas desus ada kursus induksi... apa nie!!!! kalau tak tau or tak pasti jgn la bagi tau.. menyusahkan betul!

Friday, April 30, 2010

hari yang penat..

penatnya keluar hari ini.. bermula pukul 1 petang kami bertolak dari asrama.. sampai di depan pondok guard, kebetulan rakan se-KPLI kami nak pulang rumah..katanya lalu Midvalley.. hehehe.. apalagi, kami tumpang la..
ohya, sebelum itu, perkenalkan rakan2 aku.. hehehehe..
Tiga anak gadis berbaju hitam,.. kebetulan pula mereka berbaju hitam hari ini.. aku je yang pakai baju lain dari yang lain.. huhuhuhuhu.. sampai sahaja di Midvalley, direct pergi main bowling.. gila ape.. perut blm diisi lagi.. nasib baik ada small cafe kat situ.. we chose 3 games which is RM12 per person.. including shoes la..

main punya main, ada satu ketika aku punya bola masuk parit la pula.. geram eh.. rasa mau sepak je bola tu.. hahaha!! ingat main bola ke tu??
dah habis main, barulah kami pergi menjamu selera.. hehehe.. aku tiba2 jak mau pergi makan tenpayaki.. tidak pernah try sebelum nie... hmm.. rasanya tak sedapla pulak..
pastu, plan mau pergi karaoke la pula.. penat2x kami jalan sampai the Garden, dah sampai RedBox... terus cancel.. tau apa sebab? RM30 sekepala.. adeh heh... mahal giler.. patah balik masuk midvalley jak la.. go SHOPPING!!!!

today i bought some clothes.. gila kot.. t-shirt tu punya la cute.. aku beli tiga2x.. Jeans tu pula, actually xda niat mau beli, tetapi disebabkan terlalu lama menunggu kawan aku membeli jeans, aku pun terbeli la juga..
setiap sehelai berharga dibawah RM10.. berbaloi eh...
Jeans diesel ni kalau tak ada diskaun, jangan harap aku nak beli.. sebelum tu sempat juga aku bercakap pada diri sendiri, beli mengikut kehendak ataupun keperluan??? hehehe..

kami tiba dengan selamat di asrama pada pukul 9.30 mlm... penat gilerrr ehhhh..

Jumaat yang tenang..

hehehe... elaun dah keluar.. mula2x xda plan mau keluar, tapi niat untuk buat Maybank2u membuatkan aku bergegas bangun dr katil dan pergi mandi!!! hehehe..

today, we got no class.. free.. tido samapi siang.. alahai anak gadis nie.. if i was in my own house, jngan harap dapat tdo sampai siang begini.. my mum or daddy gonna knock the door until i wake up.. hehehe.. anak perempuan bah.. banyak betul yang tak boleh buat.. so, peluang berjauhan macam nie la ada rasa bebas sikit..

dalam masa 30 minit lagi, aku akan keluar.. i don't noe what is their plan.. makan2x then mau bowling kata dia org.. niat utama aku mau buat bank jak.. but i can join.. yes! i'm gonna bring my Kenny.. snap3x... habislah kawan2 aku jadi model tanpa bayaran nanti.. hehehe..

hope today gonna be my happy day..

Mummy Daddy, i'm going out...

Dear God, bless me..

Thursday, April 29, 2010

terkenang cerita lama.. hehehe..

ketika aku sedang syiok mengedit gambar utk diletakkan dalam album F.A.M.I.L.Y khas for FB, tiba teringat satu cerita lama antara aku & SAM.. (masa itu aku tgh edit gmbr kami berdua).

ceritanya bermula begini...

masa tu kami masih di Tahun 6 & kami stay di asrama. Ada sesi fotografi keesokkan harinya tu so kami berdua pulang sama untuk mengambil baju PBSM la kalau tak silap. (he's my 3rd kazen, sama kpg lagi). So, on the way pulang, kami sempat singgah kat tepi sungai. hehehe.. kami baling2x batu ke arah sungai.. saja suke-suke.. entah macam mana, aku terambil satu batu besar, sebesar tapak tangan aku ketika itu berusia 12 tahun dan terus membaling batu tersebut ke arah sungai.. maybe aku buta ke apa, SAM tiba2x berasa di depan aku... apa lagi... Tang!!!.. memang cun terkena kepala dia.. aku tergamam seketika & dapat ku lihat darahnya mengalir keluar.. oh mak!!!! panik aku.. tapi SAM masih berdiri gagah di depan aku.. plan pulang rumah cancel terus. kami patah balik ke sekolah dan perkara ini aku laporkan kepada pihak sekolah.. huhuhu.. punyalah aku takut.. lepas tu, pihak sekolah yang pergi uruskan..

petang itu, aku dengar SAM dah ok dan kepalanya dah kena balut.. petang itu juga aku terserempak dengan parents dia.. mati aku~~dalam hati la.. fuh! nothing happen. they were not going to scold me.. hehehe..

so, the next day, kami ada sesi bergambar... SAM kelihatan comel denga ribbon kuning di kepalanya... hehehehe.. (kena jahit bah)..

seminggu, my parent tak tahu cerita pasal tu until one day... hehehe.. habislah kena marah aku..

entah aku pernah say sorry ke tak ooo... huhuhuhu.. sorry SAM.. nasib baik ko still pintar sampai sekarang.. hehehe..
berita hari ini..

hmmm.. semasa makan tengah hari tadi, kawan kat sebelah aku buka mulut.. katanya~~

"kami br balik dr HEP. KISSM adala.. bulan june. after mei la tu.. seminggu kita kursus nanti"

jeeeennng.. aku tak dapat la bergawai ni.. kalau dh pulang nanti pun.. bau-bau gawai yang tinggal.. hmm.. it's ok.. yang penting habiskan semua nie dulu. kalau tak pergi kursus, susah mau dpt pengesahan jawatan nanti.. penting ba..

then, sekali lagi dia buka mulut.~~

"ohya, kami diberitahu bahawa besok elaun masuk"

ketika aku tengah bersedih sebab tak dapat balik gawai on time, tiba-tiba hati bertukar riang.


apa-apa pun, kegembiraan itu cuma sementara...

ohya, mau tau apa itu KISSM?? mari aku jelaskan...



Pekeliling perkhidmatan Bil. 9 Tahun 1992 mensyaratkan supaya semua anggota perkhidmatan awam dalam kumpulan pengurusan dan professional serta kumpulan sokongan yang dilantik dan dinaikkan pangkat secara lantikan (KPSL) pada atau selepas 1 Januari 1992 dikehendaki mengikuti kursus induksi dengan jayanya sebagai salah satu syarat pengesahan dalam perkhidmatan.


Modul Umum
Kursus induksi ini adalah bertujuan untuk mencapai objektif-objektif berikut:-
Memberi pendedahan yang sama kepada semua anggota dalam perkhidmatan Awam mengenai sejarah Negara, dasar utama kerajaan, rancangan dan program pembangunan Negara;
Memberi penjelasan tentang system pentadbiran, prosedur-prosedur utama, arahan-arahan dan pekeliling-pekeliling serta peraturan-peraturan kerajaan;
Memberi pengetahuan dan kemahiran mengenai pengurusan kewangan, belanjawan Negara, pengurusan pembelian dan perakaunan Negara;
Memberi pengetahuan mengenai aspek-aspek pengurusan organisasi;
Memupuk nilai dan etika kerja cemerlang di kalangan semua anggota dalam Perkhidmatan Awam.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Y0u Light uP mY liFe

So many nights I sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now
You've come along

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey,
I love You
Never again to be all alone

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

It can't be wrong
When it feels so right
'Cause You
You light up my life

(>_<)!! i can't stop smiling...

i can't stop from smiling....
help me!! letih dh aku punya pipi nie..

hehehe.. want to noe why??? adala... hehehe..

today, penyakit itu semakin terukk.. aku harap ianya akan beransur hilang.. ya, i like being happy... smile.. but if i'm continue like diz, krem la muka aku nie.. hehehe..

Thursday, April 22, 2010


it's 1.42am oredi..

sejak akhir2 nie, aku sentiasa tidur lewat.. ntahla.. bila mlm je, pasti aktif.. waktu siang pula, bawa effect mata yang ntah mcm mana aku describe kan.. one of my fren call me mata panda..

lately, i like someone.. n i'm really sure he noe about it.. but seem its like nothing gonna happen.. or maybe both of us pretend dunno what did i feel or his own feeling..
hmmm.. ok.. so i think to give up.. maybe its better for us just being friends like others.. boys cannot be a best friend to a girl u noe.. its will effect the feeling.. lainla perempuan..

at the same time, i'm became close to one of my best friend's friend.. about other feeling towards him, no.. i just like him being my fren. we talk a lot whenever we chat.. so many topics n everything i say no tapis2x.. ntahla... mcm selesa bercakap dgn dia.. mcm talking wif my best fren pula.. ketika berweb cam pun, aku tak perlu pun nak control2x ayu di depan nya.. even when i eat, i did eating dgn gelojoh.. hahahaha!! i hope, diz going to be continue coz aku lebih selesa dgn keadaan begini tanpa melibatkan apa2 perasaan..

mlm dh semakin sunyi.. all my fren tumbang satu persatu.. tinggal aku saja yg masih berjaga bersama kerja2 yg belum disiapkan lagi.. huhuhueee...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

a sad week..

hmm.. how to start..

tapi yg pasti, i've been dumped.. its hurt a lot..

apa2 pun.. its all over.. i dont hv to cry anymore.. when i seeking for a peace in my heart, i will pray to Him.. i will cry a lot when i talk to Him, but then, i'm ok.. i can smile..

one of friends giv me advice dat i dont hv to cry for what happen.. according to him, i'm just like a loser if i keep begging him to come back.. then someone giv me an idea to make a list 10 reason why i shud forget about him...

ladies n gentlemen.. read diz..

1. too social (arak arak arak... clubbing clubing clubing.. )

2. terlalu mesra dgn girls..(not kazen) sampai boleh ada body contact.

3. NOT matured (dia sendiri yg cakap.. i nvr say dat)

4. DOESN'T have a secure job (he said it)

5. Sometime.. rude.. (even with his own family)

6. bukan nak mengungkit tapi i did perasan. (aku jak yang excited n selalu bagi present)

7. sukar putar belit cerita (hmm.. if i ask something yg sensitive, dia akan terdiam.. ada something wrong lah tu.. kemudian br dia explain, which is semua nya rekaan cerita)

8. he never introduced me to his parent or family.. (until me myself do it by texting a msg to his mum)

9. like to make promises.. (but he nvr fullfill it..)

10. cannot commit..

actually.. byk lagi.. tapi ini sudah cukup utk aku knp aku perlu lupakannya saja..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

menghitung hari..

tak sabar ehhhhhh..
next week dah cuti!!!!!!!!!! yahoooo.... i can't wait to go home.. meet my family n him... i do miss them so much..
everyday i count the day how much was left until the final date of pratical 16th April.. mcm2 benda kat sekolah nie yang aku blm dpt adapt lagi...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

a story of my friend..

Today, i'm not going anywhere.. just staying at my room doing some work.. as usual, i will open facebook then read and response all my friend posted. suddenly i conscious a note of my friend. she write something like a letter for her ex-boyfriend. hmmmm.. after reading her note, i'm glad she's okay now.. i ask her permission to post her note in my blog... my friend, i'm proud of you.

Dear Ex (wherever you are...),
How are you?
It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I remember that day very vividly, because it was my 22nd birthday. I was in the town with my parents, and I saw you drove by in that black Wira. You saw me too. Then you called me in my cellphone, I was at a shop next to Faho waiting for my mum to buy some chicken for dinner. In our last conversation, you sounded fact, I knew you're trying so hard to hold back your tears as you told me that you're getting married. I already knew that, it was your mistake. A mistake I've been trying to help you avoid...I've told you before, over a million times, but you wouldn't listen. You wouldn't listen to anyone not even to your mother. I felt sorry for her. She was such a nice lady the first time I met her. Back to our last conversation...I didn't get to say anything to you because you hung up, suddenly, but I knew you're crying. Crying alone in that black car. One thing I must admit, I had tears in my eyes too that day. Not because I loved you, but because I felt sorry for you. That day, you were scared and helpless. That's why you called me. It was typical you, when you get into trouble you confided in me. I became a shoulder for you to cry on, a pillar for you to lean on and a heavy duty rope for you to hang on to. But as soon as everything went well with you, I was forgotten for months until the next trouble came knocking on you door.

Dear Ex,
Months earlier, prior to your unfortunate 'tragedy', you called me asking for reconciliation. You said you wanted more from me. Exactly, what 'more' you wanted from me? Because I expected more from you too. I expected more respect, more love, more care, more everything...But you didn't understand. It was always all about you. Just you, but you forgot that this world does not only revolve around you. You've been very selfish so I said 'NO' to you about you and me getting back together. We weren't meant to be together, we never were. One of my bestfriends had been telling me the same thing, but I never listened. I nearly dug my own grave. You were so hard to resist. I succumed to you stupid lies and broken promises which were attached along with your good looks and irresistably sexy eyes. YES, I still find your eyes sexy. But the day I said 'NO' to you was a winning moment for me. I've had enough.

And yea, I got your wedding invitation. But I didn't go. I just couldn't find any logic reasons of my attending to your wedding. And you shouldn't have invited me too. You're my history, my past and you're no longer a part of me. I didn't even want to see you, not because I hated you (I never hold grudges against you or anyone else) but because I refused to be reminded of how foolish I was when I was still your so-called 'GF'. Frankly speaking, I was never your girlfriend, I never felt special with you. I was more of 'just a friend' to you and I, myself, couldn't figure out what exactly was your role in my life. You were such a douchebag and you always will be. Plus, I thought I loved you but I was just obsessed endlessly with you. I worshipped you to death.

Dear Ex,
Now I'm so much happier being on my own. Looking back, I realized I've wasted and missed so many things and I regretted that very deeply. I got so carried away with you and your false hope. When everything was done, you left me badly wounded, like a roadkill waiting to drew its' last breath in the scorching heat in the middle of a highway. God knows how strong I was to put on a happy face towards my family and friends when deep inside, I was truly heart-broken. I picked up the pieces, licked my own wound and eventually, I was cured. Ironically, I found that journey very inspiring. I loved how it transformed me into a wiser and better person. Thanks to you but now I'm free to pursue my dreams. Trust me, I have lots of dreams. Obviously, that is one thing you or anyone else could never take away from me.

Hey big daddy, I hope you have a nice and comfy life with your new family. And if you still thought that I will always love you, well, I HAVE MOVED ON!!! Besides, life is too short to be wasted on grieving over you. I'm no longer the person or the girl you used to know. I'm more beautiful than ever, extra stronger and smarter.

Yours truly,

jln2 cari makan

yesterday, 26 feb 2010, i went to wangsa maju.. my friend, sam gonna "belanja" me makan mee kolo KL.. hahaha.. i remember my cousin, trying to find a kolo me all around the KL.. pity her, she didn't find the correct one.. nama ja kolo me, but totally different the taste n its look.
and here, the pict i put together- mee kolo!!! mee ja ada lain sikit. hand made punya la mee tu..
the taste is the same. nyum2x.. thanks to sam.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello mummy..

Suddenly, I miss someone.. she is my friend, my love n sometimes became my enemy.. I still remember when I was small she love to have a talk with me.. even gossip.. kecik2 dah terdedah dengan gossip nie.. Sometimes she told me a story how did my father trying to tackle her. So sweet.. but sometimes I’m became fed up when she talk about something I don’t like. She became my enemy when she scold me, beat me and pinch me. That’s because of my mistake la. For the truth, I do cry a lot. Until now..and she’s the one on the top ranking who’s always make me cry. ( I’m a “congek” person.. very sensitive one). When she getting mad, uuuiissshhh… every words came out from her mouth was very poisonous.
Now, I’m already became a big girl. She never beat me anymore.. hehehe.. of course la.. But still, she kept on nagging if she doesn’t like anything I do. Things she doesn’t like:
1. When I wake up late. (bukan pergi sekolah pun)
2. My room was messy.
3. When my dress was too sexy for her.. (short pants, mini skirts.. allowed in the house only)
4. I never cook.. (boleh dihitung berapa kali jak setahun)
5. My boyfriend
6. When I’m became lazy.
7. Forget doing thing that she told me to do.
And so on…. Entah apa gik.
There’s one time we do have a big fight.. mulut jakla.. after that, I really do regret for what I did.. I did make she cry. (me? of course la nangis juga). Anyway, air dicincang takkan putus kan.. sekejap je.
Sorry for everything.. I do love u and forever it will be.. mmuuaahh!!

I found this photo!!!

hehehe.... i love to see other people photos.. even if they not my friend, i will trying my luck to open theirs album. hehehe.. if they didn't setting it for privacy, then people like me can scroll down and see all their photos.. yeahhh!!! dats me..

then one day, i found this photos.. a photo dat hv been upload by my friend's friend... dahhhh!! i recognize some of the people n there was us (THE SEVEN's SUN-sebut soon ahh) at the top of the photo. yahhhhh!! ssooooo, kebetulan.. the owner of diz photo comment something dat tickle my heart. he write "some of the girl back there trying to get into the photo".. is it? aiiii.. dats was me, tgh dating wif my ex.. (i think dat was my 1st date - yuhuuu... its long time ago) n my bodyguard (my best frens) sitting behind us pretending to be my guard. hahaha!! no la.. kebetulan we lepaking there (ada football match dat day) n i saw him, so he sat together la wif us. n i taking diz chance for dating him la.. hehehehe..

hmmm.. when i look at this photos, its look like they r bending to the right.. mcm mau masuk gambar jak.. n me, looking back to them, maybe talking or what so ever.. hehehe.. so, my friends, try to remember, what r u doing? is it trying to "kaco-kaco" us or memang mau masuk dlm gambar.

p/s the owner of this photo was Orbeno. oredi add to my fren list n adalah aku text dia pasal benda nie. i've told him dat u all tgh kaco me... i'm wearing blue t-shirt..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have many type of friends.. macam2 perangai.. kadang2 ada kwn yang jangan dirapati sangat. I’m afraid I will hurt her feeling since she is very2 sensitive person, which I mean she would thinking whatever people were not.. for example, if someone doesn't smile at her, she might think she/he doesn't like him, or she look weird to dat person.. aiya.. susahla mcm nie.. me myself hv to be very carefull if I’m beside her.. the way I talk also hv to control.. there’s one time she doesn’t talk to me, n at dat time i trying to “korek” my memory so hard dat I could remember what thing dat I hv done wrong.. so, for the conclusion, juz ignore her. She cannot be a good friend of mine.. but still she can be my frens.. anyway, not all people are the same.. think rational..
Kwn biasa2? Sangat banyak.. one things dat I owez regret is I do forget my friends name… my old schoolmate, roommate n classmate too.. saya ni jahat kah? Sorry.. really tak sengaja.. its like I’m having an eraser in my head…. Adeh heh.. really sorry k..
My best friend??!!! Yes!!!! I do have. Florina, Zian, Emmy, Nanie, Anie & caca… but now, thing r not the same again.. everyone has their own responsible n bz with their new life.. no more chit chatting, pillow talk, lepaking.. but there still who stay behind.. those who still single like me (not married), hehehehe… florina!!!!! Mmmuuuuaaahhh!!! Love u.. hehehe..
Reunion? I do like it so much… we can meet old classmate.. schoolmate..talking2.. laughing together… even with people who had a crush with me.. anyway, its all a long story.. so, not hurt feeling.. hehehe.. (dats pict was taken when we hvg reunion -ex smt sejingkat)
There’s one good thing about me is dat I’m a flexible person.. I can join or adapt into different world. Dats why I got a lot of friend.. I hv a nerd fren, a sensitive fren, annoying frens, a good frens, a wild fren n so on.. dat becoz I can change myself into their world.. dats not mean I hv many personalities.. its juz me, can adapt to their world..
if there’s someone doesn’t like us juz let it be.. but don’t hate him/her.. we can’t make everyone like u right??? Hehehehe…